Dennis Haskins And Aaron Quinn – Dennis Haskins and Aaron Quinn’s lives have been turned upside down since Matthew Mueller broke into Dennis Haskins’ home and kidnapped her on March 22, 2015. His incident has been documented in a new Netflix documentary called American Nightmare. Aaron was drugged by Matthew and when he left, he ran to the police and told everything that had happened.

When Aaron told them, the police did not believe that Dennis had been kidnapped, but instead viewed him as the culprit and assumed that Aaron was involved in her disappearance and that he had something to do with it.
Matthew held Dennis captive and hide her in South Lake Tahoe and raped her twice. Matthew released Denise and even after she came forward, the police did not believe that she had been kidnapped; they called her a fraud and did not believe her story. Denise said that Matthew should be punished in this home invasion and she did not let anything stop her case until he was punished.
What Charge Matthew Got For The Federal Kidnapping
Finally came and held him responsible for whatever crimes Matthew had committed. Matthews was charged with federal kidnapping and sentenced to 40 years in prison. He was charged with another charge of forcible rape and for this, he was sentenced to an additional sentence of 31 years. But the question is also what happened to Dennis and Aaron? Is he still together after all this?
Dennis Haskins and Aaron Quinn are still together?
The answer is yes, Denise and Aaron are still together. Dennis and Aaron’s relationship is revealed to have become even stronger to escape from their kidnapping incident and to say that it was all a lie. The city of Vallejo was sued by Dennis and Aaron for defamation. The settlement they reached out of court was worth $2.5 million.
They had a 20/20 interview in which Dennis and Aaroh admitted that they have been through a lot of therapy since their ordeal. A book was also written by him called Victim F: From Crime Victims to Suspects to Survivors. That book was released in 2021.
Where Are Dennis Haskins And Aaron Quinn Now?
Both of them got married in 2018. Both of them went to the coast and started their new life. Aaron told 20/20 that their wedding happened on the perfect day. Dennis further said that all the people who had supported him in the last few years were there. His lawyer was also present there. This place also included a detective named Misty Carouso, who connected her to their case. The married couple performed their first dance to “Risers” by Dierks Bentley.